This week sees the beginning of a new line of live recordings being podcasted! You may think that you've heard these episodes in their pristine studio recordings, but they're a whole different animal in the realm of live performances. Our latest eight episodes were performed live in April and June this past year, and will now be released weekly.
The first episode being released is Episode 301, part one of "The Trial of Dodge Intrepid." This special live episode also sees a first for our podcasts: the beginning of the episode features commentary by yours truly. Because of the dangers inherent with live theater, it's no surprise that something went wrong. But unlike past live recordings, this error was too large to ignore. During the performance of this first episode, the "fire" sound effect accidentally turned on... and remained on for the duration of the episode. It was too low for the audience to hear, and our sound man (Dan Rubino) wasn't able to tell it was playing--but our recording equipment cannot lie. And so, instead of letting everyone assume that we were performing in a cafe that was burning to the ground, I recorded a brief introduction to the episode explaining what happened.
Speaking of live shows... the next live installment of Dodge Intrepid and the Pages of Time is coming soon! Our next performance is Saturday, September 9th at Cafe Kolache in Beaver! So, mark your calendars, cancel you other plans, and tell your friends!