Sunday, July 30, 2006

Episode 306 Now Released!

The latest episode in "The Search for Pluck" is now available for download!

Last we left our heroic librarian, he was in 1400 A.D., hunting down his lost intern, Pluck Gumption. Much to his surprise, he found his sidekick leading a small Native American tribe deep in the forests of the Beaver Valley. Pluck, caught in the throws of power, imprisoned Dodge! Now, with an invasion from the Delaware Indians looming over their heads, will Dodge be able to escape? Can Pluck be brought back to his senses? And will they be able to defend their modest Indian village? Find out in this brand new episode!

Episode 306 will also be available on the iTunes Music Store, as well as Yahoo! Podcast and! This episode has been proudly sponsored by Chick-fil-A at the Beaver Valley Mall.